
Presentation Schedule Revision due to Holiday

Written on 25.05.2023 13:25 by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

Dear students,

One of you pointed out that the first date for the presentations (June 8) collides with a holiday. This means there is no seminar on that day and we will have to re-schedule the 2 presentations from that day to the later dates (i.e. have 3 instead of 2 presentations on the following  weeks).
The revised schedule is as follows. As this news item is public, I left out your names and just listed the paper name. If you are unsure which paper you are presenting, please contact me.

15 June
DolphinAttack: Inaudible Voice Commands
Relay attacks on passive keyless entry and start systems in modern cars
The KNOB is Broken: Exploiting Low Entropy in the Encryption Key Negotiation Of Bluetooth BR/EDR
22 June
Ghost talk: Mitigating EMI signal injection attacks against analog sensors
Frankenstein: Advanced Wireless Fuzzing to Exploit New Bluetooth Escalation Targets
Drone Security and the Mysterious Case of DJI's DroneID
29 June
Detecting Attacks Against Robotic Vehicles: A Control Invariant Approach
M2MON: Building an MMIO-based Security Reference Monitor for Unmanned Vehicles

Fuzzware: Using Precise MMIO Modeling for Effective Firmware Fuzzing

Later slots are unchanged.
Looking forward to seeing you on June 15!

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