
Enjoyed the projects? Want more?

Written on 03.04.2018 12:24 by Markus Bauer

Dear Students,

the saarsec CTF Team would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming CTF workshop.


CTF, what?

CTF stands for "Capture the flag" competitions or "Hacking for fun". CTFs are international online competitions in which you can hack other students.

Each team receives a virtual machine with services which are written in "random" languages like php, perl or whitespace and disguise themselves as forums or ticket booking systems. Your goal is to find the vulnerability, patch it and exploit other teams with it.


Why should you play?

Ever wanted to hack a social network running on your enemy's machine while defending your team's image hosting service? It is really fun. You can practically apply knowledge from lectures and you will always learn something new.

We offer a workshop from 27. to 29. April. It covers the basics of playing a CTF and common vulnerability types. The highlight is the CTF between all workshop participants on Sunday. No prior knowledge is required. All you need is some time and the will to learn something new and cool.


Interested? More information on the workshop, a participant's report on the last workshop, and the registration are online at (The number of participants is limited and it's first come first serve)

We hope to see you there
saarsec Team

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