
Question Sheet 0

Written on 15.10.24 (last change on 15.10.24) by Simeon Hoffmann

Hey all,

we just uploaded question sheet 0. This sheet is not graded, and meant to make you familiar with the tooling. It will be discussed in the tutorials.


Introduction and general lecture schedule

Written on 15.10.24 by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

Dear student of Security'24,

for this week, we have prepared an introductory lecture as video, as Katharina and Nils are both traveling. You will find the link to the video/slides in the material collection here on CMS. From next week on, all lectures will be in-person, starting with the lecture on… Read more

Dear student of Security'24,

for this week, we have prepared an introductory lecture as video, as Katharina and Nils are both traveling. You will find the link to the video/slides in the material collection here on CMS. From next week on, all lectures will be in-person, starting with the lecture on October 22nd. We also plan to release an ungraded tutorial exercise (Q0) soon - you will also find it in the material collection. Please use the Askbot feature on CMS if you have any questions after watching the intro video!



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