
Scoreboard challenges disabled when solutions released

Written on 06.01.2025 17:18 by Till Schlüter

Hi all,

Just a quick update on the CTF scoreboard: we've decided to disable the challenges for which we already published solutions. This means that flags for these challenges can no longer be submitted. The reason is that we want to reward those students who solve the challenges on their own, but we can no longer distinguish flag submissions based on original work from flag submissions based on our solutions once the solutions are out.

We've also applied this rule retroactively and invalidated all flag submissions that we received after the solution to a challenge had already been published. The scores on the scoreboard have been recalculated accordingly.

We note that you can still test whether a flag is correct or not, even for disabled challenges: go to the flag submission page and insert the flag. If you get the message "Challenge is disabled", the flag was correct. Otherwise, you will see the message "Invalid flag". You will not receive scoreboard points for such submissions though.

Naturally, this change only affects the scoreboard and does not have any effect on your exercise sheet points or grades.

Happy hacking!

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