Written on 03.11.2023 09:28 by Jordan Samhi
Dear students,
A kind reminder that our seminar sessions will take place every Thursday from 3 pm to 4 pm.
Here are the information regarding the Zoom link we will use throughout the seminar:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 588 204 9174
Passcode: c5#$ZE
One tap mobile
+496938980596,,5882049174# Germany
/!\ Please ensure that you have a GitHub account set up /!\
Upon receiving your initial assignment via GitHub Classroom, it will be necessary to connect your personal GitHub account to the designated GitHub Classroom account.
Note: Each paper assigned to you will be accompanied by a practical lab task, which involves implementing a specified technique/algorithm. You will be allocated one week for the paper review and two weeks to fulfill the lab assignment.