Team registrations for projects
Written on 04.08.2020 14:55 by Soheil Khodayari
Dear students,
The team registration for the project is now open!
The team registration consists of submitting a text (.txt) file in the CMS. Each team is of two students and only one person per team can do the submission.
Your submitted file should be named with the format student-id-1_student-id-2.txt, and it must contain the following information:
- Team name, i.e., a name of your choice for the team
- Member 1: first name, last name
- Student ID 1: member 1 student ID
- Member 2: first name, last name
- Student ID 2: member 2 student ID
For example, 1234-5678.txt
Member 1: Jane, Doe
Student ID 1: 1234
Member 1: James, Dough
Student ID 2: 5678
The submission is mandatory and the deadline is: Friday 14.08.2020, 23:59. Should you not submit this information by the deadline, we will do random team members assignment.