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Advanced Lecture (6 CP), Block course in September 2024

Course Content

Reactive synthesis is an automatic procedure for obtaining correct-by-design reactive systems from high-level specifications. Reactive systems are ones that interact with a (possibly adversarial) environment in an ongoing manner. Examples of such systems include, for example, software controllers of robotic systems. Thus, in recent years, techniques for reactive synthesis have found applications in control, robotics, and the design of autonomous systems.

In this course we will study the theoretical foundations, as well as practical aspects of reactive synthesis. We will study temporal logic as a high-level specification language, and discuss the challenges of writing specifications intended of synthesis that capture the designer's intent. We will study the automata-theoretic foundations of reactive synthesis, as well as algorithms for solving two-player games of infinite duration used to solve the synthesis problem. We will particularly focus on techniques for obtaining efficient implementations of synthesis algorithms, and study specification language fragments for which efficient solutions exist. Finally, we study the foundations of reactive synthesis to software and to richer classes of systems, such as, for instance, real-time systems.

During the course, students will work on a hands-on project, applying the knowledge acquired during the lecture. The project will focus on writing specifications for challenging designs, evaluating the specifications' quality, and hands-on use of reactive synthesis tools to design systems that satisfy the specifications.



When: 16th -- 20th and 23rd -- 27th September, 9 -- 11 
Where: lecture hall 001, building E1 3


When: 16th -- 20th and 23rd -- 27th September,13 --15
Where: lecture hall 001, building E1 3


The project will start in the second week of the block course and will have to be submitted in the first week of October (exact dates to be determined). 


When: October 8th, 13 -- 15
Where: lecture hall 001, building E1 3


The grade is determined by the exam. The project additionally carries extra credit points that can improve your exam grade.

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