
Session 3 - Link

Written on 15.09.23 by Lucjan Hanzlik

Topic Assignment

Written on 11.05.23 (last change on 13.09.23) by Lucjan Hanzlik

Dear All,

You can find the topic assignment in the material section on the CMS website. 
Thanks to your diverse preferences, the assignment should be preferable to most of you.

For those that want to attend the seminar with the topic assigned, I would like to ask 
you to register in the LSF… Read more

Dear All,

You can find the topic assignment in the material section on the CMS website. 
Thanks to your diverse preferences, the assignment should be preferable to most of you.

For those that want to attend the seminar with the topic assigned, I would like to ask 
you to register in the LSF system. The seminar should already be available there.


Lucjan Hanzlik

Topic preference

Written on 30.04.23 by Lucjan Hanzlik

Dear All,

As mentioned during the kick-off meeting, I added some materials to each topic, but I encourage you to look also
for other sources and not only rely on those.


Regarding the topic preferences, I would like you to send me an email with your preference list in the following… Read more

Dear All,

As mentioned during the kick-off meeting, I added some materials to each topic, but I encourage you to look also
for other sources and not only rely on those.


Regarding the topic preferences, I would like you to send me an email with your preference list in the following form:

12, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 7, 8, 1

This list assigns each topic a value from 1 to 12, where 12 is the points you should give to the topic you like the most.
For this example, the first topic (about passwords) would be the most preferred by this example student, while the last topic
on privacy pass would be the least interesting to the student (hence only 1 point). 

Lucjan Hanzlik

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