
Grades online

Written on 14.03.18 by Ben Stock

The grades are now online: they are weighted as follows

- Paper (70% total): Spelling/Grammar (20%), Structure (10%), Presentation of Research (40%)

- Talk (20% total): Theme (5%), Talk comprehensible (10%), Presentation (5%)

- Reviews (10% total): averaged over all reviews

If you have the… Read more

The grades are now online: they are weighted as follows

- Paper (70% total): Spelling/Grammar (20%), Structure (10%), Presentation of Research (40%)

- Talk (20% total): Theme (5%), Talk comprehensible (10%), Presentation (5%)

- Reviews (10% total): averaged over all reviews

If you have the need for additional feedback on your paper, please contact your advisor.

Conference today

Written on 27.02.18 by Ben Stock

The conference today will be held in our lecture hall. Please be there at 8:55 at the latest, so we can give a brief overview of how the talks "work".

Conference schedule

Written on 17.02.18 by Ben Stock

Dear all,

please find the conference schedule for February, 27th, in the following. Recall that attendance is mandatory and we start on time at 9 am.

09:00  Post-Quantum Group Signatures (Kevin Morio)
09:25  Ring Signatures (Yassir Kozha)

09:50  Information spread in social networks and… Read more

Dear all,

please find the conference schedule for February, 27th, in the following. Recall that attendance is mandatory and we start on time at 9 am.

09:00  Post-Quantum Group Signatures (Kevin Morio)
09:25  Ring Signatures (Yassir Kozha)

09:50  Information spread in social networks and viral marketing (Marius Bleif)
10:15  The State of Friendship Prediction with Mobility Data (Peter Tikhonov)

10:40  Alexa where is the ministry of love: Evaluating the (in)security of Digital Assisstants (Marius Steffens)
11:05  Adversarial Machine Learning - A comprehensive walkthrough (Simeon Hoffmann)
11:30  Didn't you see that traffic sign? The challenge of testing automotive systems (Sebastian Roth)

13:00  Vulnerability Notifications (Alexander Fink)
13:25  Passwords Offline Attacks: A Comprehensive Overview (Aftab Alam)
13:50  DesperaDoS:an overview of denial-of-service mitigation and traceback techniques (Roman Tabachnikov)

14:15  Privilege Escalation (Jayanth Jain H. Ajith Kumar)
14:40  Secure Compilation An examination of different approaches (Hendrik Leidinger)
15:05  Code Reuse Attacks and Defenses: A Brief History (Muhammad Sarmad Khan)
15:30  The Impact of Third-party Code on App Security (Lea Gröber)

15:55  Android permissions (Askar Zaitov)
16:20  Coverage-based Security Testing (Marius Smytzek)
16:45  Crowd Intelligence for Mobile Software Engineering (Ali Maqsood)

Slides from Andreas' Talk are online

Written on 08.02.18 by Ben Stock

Please see materials.

Date for the final conference is set

Written on 03.01.18 by Ben Stock

The date for the conference will be February 27th. Please write an email to if you can for any reason not attend either morning or afternoon, stating that reason. Please note that attendance is mandatory. By the end of the week, the final program will be set (assuming that all… Read more

The date for the conference will be February 27th. Please write an email to if you can for any reason not attend either morning or afternoon, stating that reason. Please note that attendance is mandatory. By the end of the week, the final program will be set (assuming that all papers do in fact make it into the program).

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