Conference schedule
Written on 17.02.2018 09:44 by Ben Stock
Dear all,
please find the conference schedule for February, 27th, in the following. Recall that attendance is mandatory and we start on time at 9 am.
09:00 Post-Quantum Group Signatures (Kevin Morio)
09:25 Ring Signatures (Yassir Kozha)
09:50 Information spread in social networks and viral marketing (Marius Bleif)
10:15 The State of Friendship Prediction with Mobility Data (Peter Tikhonov)
10:40 Alexa where is the ministry of love: Evaluating the (in)security of Digital Assisstants (Marius Steffens)
11:05 Adversarial Machine Learning - A comprehensive walkthrough (Simeon Hoffmann)
11:30 Didn't you see that traffic sign? The challenge of testing automotive systems (Sebastian Roth)
13:00 Vulnerability Notifications (Alexander Fink)
13:25 Passwords Offline Attacks: A Comprehensive Overview (Aftab Alam)
13:50 DesperaDoS:an overview of denial-of-service mitigation and traceback techniques (Roman Tabachnikov)
14:15 Privilege Escalation (Jayanth Jain H. Ajith Kumar)
14:40 Secure Compilation An examination of different approaches (Hendrik Leidinger)
15:05 Code Reuse Attacks and Defenses: A Brief History (Muhammad Sarmad Khan)
15:30 The Impact of Third-party Code on App Security (Lea Gröber)
15:55 Android permissions (Askar Zaitov)
16:20 Coverage-based Security Testing (Marius Smytzek)
16:45 Crowd Intelligence for Mobile Software Engineering (Ali Maqsood)