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Cyber-Physical Systems Security

The lecture will take place every Friday from 14.15-15.45pm, starting April 12 (TBD). It will be taught by Nils Ole Tippenhauer. Roughly the first half will focus on drones and their security and the second half will focus on general Cyber-Physical Systems/ Industrial Control Systems security. We currently plan to have a mix of interactive lectures via Zoom, and prepared videos. In addition, there will be practical exercises using Linux w/ ArduPilot and other tools.

This lecture is an advanced lecture. Previous knowledge from CySec1 and CySec2 (or Security) is recommended. If you took my advanced lecture Physical-Layer Security in the past, you CANNOT take this course, as there are significant overlaps. While the lecture will touch physical-layer concepts such as (wireless) signals, no background in that area is assumed. The lecture will cover thee main topic areas: attacks (and countermeasures) that leverage physical channels (e.g., side-channel attacks), attacks (and countermeasures) involving control systems (e.g., drones, evasion attacks, monitoring systems), and security for cyber-physical systems (such as industrial control systems).

The lecture will be complemented by 6 exercises. Due to related effort, this course can only accommodate up to 40 students.

There will be a final written examination with no second backup slot. The exam date is TBD at 10am in the CISPA Bernd Therre lecture hall (0.05 in E9.1).

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