
Final exam

Written on 19.07.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

the final exam will take place on July 25th in E2.2 Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal.


Everything covered in the lectures and Tutorial sheets throughout the semester will be relevant.

Like the midterms, the final exam is also open book, you are allowed to bring any number of books and… Read more

Dear students,

the final exam will take place on July 25th in E2.2 Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal.


Everything covered in the lectures and Tutorial sheets throughout the semester will be relevant.

Like the midterms, the final exam is also open book, you are allowed to bring any number of books and sheets (handwritten or printed) to the exam. You are allowed to use a non-programmable calculator, no other electronic devices are allowed.

Please remember to bring your student ID to the exam.

The exam will start at 16:15, please be at the lecture hall at 16:10 at the latest.

Tutorials next week

Written on 15.07.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

A short update on the tutorials for next week:

The tutorial on Monday (July 22 from 16:00 - 18:00) will be in a different location: E1.3 003.

The tutorial on Tuesday (July 23 from 10:00 - 12:00) unfortunately has to be cancelled due to the usual lecture hall being occupied and… Read more

Dear students,

A short update on the tutorials for next week:

The tutorial on Monday (July 22 from 16:00 - 18:00) will be in a different location: E1.3 003.

The tutorial on Tuesday (July 23 from 10:00 - 12:00) unfortunately has to be cancelled due to the usual lecture hall being occupied and no suitable alternative being available.

Therefore, please divert to the tutorial on Monday for the discussion of the last tutorial sheet.


Written on 10.07.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

please find below the evaluation links for the lecture and the tutorial.



(Links expire after July 17th)

Registration for the final exam

Written on 08.07.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

The registration for the final exam is open on the LSF. You may register if you passed at least one of the two midterms.

You have to register before the LSF deadline (by 18.07. at the latest). You cannot take the exam if you miss this deadline without registering.

If you cannot… Read more

Dear students,

The registration for the final exam is open on the LSF. You may register if you passed at least one of the two midterms.

You have to register before the LSF deadline (by 18.07. at the latest). You cannot take the exam if you miss this deadline without registering.

If you cannot access the LSF (e.g. Erasmus students), you have to register for the exam on the CMS.

Second midterm results

Written on 06.07.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

the results of the second midterm exam are online. A sample solution is available on CMS. 

Like last time, we will do the exam inspection during the tutorial slots next week (Monday July 8 and Tuesday July 9). There is no Tutorial sheet this week.

Second Midterm Exam

Written on 27.06.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

the second midterm exam will take place on July 4th in E2.2 Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal.



The focus of the second midterm exam will be on the public key cryptography part (everything after the first midterm), including the corresponding Tutorial sheets.

Like last time,… Read more

Dear students,

the second midterm exam will take place on July 4th in E2.2 Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal.



The focus of the second midterm exam will be on the public key cryptography part (everything after the first midterm), including the corresponding Tutorial sheets.

Like last time, the exam is open book, you are allowed to bring any number of books and sheets to the exam. No electronic devices are allowed.

Please remember to bring your student ID to the exam.

The exam will start at 16:15, please be at the lecture hall at 16:10 at the latest.

Lecture 20.06.2024

Written on 19.06.24 by Lucjan Hanzlik

Dear Students,

Unfortunately, there will be no lecture tomorrow (20.06.2024).
Remember that tomorrow is also the registration deadline for the second midterm exam. Please register if you plan to attend. 


Lucjan Hanzlik

First Midterm

Written on 14.06.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

The results of the first mid term exam are online. A sample solution is available on CMS.

There is no exercise sheet this week, therefore you can inspect your graded exam during your tutorial slot next week (Monday and Tuesday).

Midterm registration extension

Written on 06.06.24 (last change on 06.06.24) by Antoine Joux

Since a few of you forgot to register for the midterm, we are exceptionally re-opening the registration page for one day.

Note that the second midterm registration is already open and that it will close on June 20th.


First Midterm Exam

Written on 04.06.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

the first midterm exam will take place June 12th in the lecture halls E2.5 001 and E2.5 003.


The rooms are assigned using the following rule:

Let ‘id’ be the student ID number of a registered student.

If (id mod 2) = 1, please come to lecture hall E2.5 001.

If (id… Read more

Dear students,

the first midterm exam will take place June 12th in the lecture halls E2.5 001 and E2.5 003.


The rooms are assigned using the following rule:

Let ‘id’ be the student ID number of a registered student.

If (id mod 2) = 1, please come to lecture hall E2.5 001.

If (id mod 2) = 0, please come to lecture hall E2.5 003.



Everything covered in the lecture and tutorials up to the midterm exam (including the lecture on Thursday this week) and Tutorial sheets 1-6 will be relevant for the midterm exam.

The midterm exam will be open book, you are allowed to bring any number of books and sheets to the exam. No electronic devices are allowed.

Please remember to bring your student ID to the exam. We will start the exam at 16:15, please be at the lecture hall at 16:10 at the latest.

Tutorial 6

Written on 29.05.24 by Janik Huth

Dear students,

as there is no lecture this week, we will upload no tutorial sheet this week. Therefore, there are also no tutorials next week. Tutorial 6 will be in two weeks, the timetable on CMS is updated accordingly.

Online tutorial tomorrow (Errata corrige)

Written on 26.05.24 by Giacomo Santato

Hi everyone,

The starting time for the online tutorial tomorrow will be 16.15, as usual.

Sorry for the email spam. Sorry for the mistake. You can find the Zoom link in the previous news.


Giacomo Santato


Online tutorial tomorrow

Written on 26.05.24 by Giacomo Santato

Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know that I'm not feeling well today, so tomorrow's tutorial will be held via Zoom (from 10.15 am).

I hope to be feeling better by Tuesday, and we'll resume in-person sessions then.


Tutorial Crypto 1, Group 1, Week 5
Read more

Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know that I'm not feeling well today, so tomorrow's tutorial will be held via Zoom (from 10.15 am).

I hope to be feeling better by Tuesday, and we'll resume in-person sessions then.


Tutorial Crypto 1, Group 1, Week 5

Meeting ID: 834 8922 8583
Passcode: 239282


Giacomo Santato



Room Change

Written on 17.04.24 by Janik Huth

The lecture today and tomorrow will take place at E2.2 Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal.

We will let you know if this room change is permanent for the rest of the semester.


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Cryptography studies the design of distributed systems with resilience against arbitrary adversarial abuse. What makes this task challenging is that at the time a scheme is designed, it is not yet known how an attack may look like or what resources are available to an adversary.

This course is an introduction into modern cryptography and covers fundamental concepts such as

  • Security models and security proofs
  • Information-theoretic and computational security
  • Pseudorandomness
  • Private Key Encryption
  • Authentication
  • Public Key Encryption
  • Signature Schemes
  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs
  • Basic Multiparty Computation Protocols

Location and Time: E2.2 Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal, Wednesday 16.00 - 18.00 and Thursday 16.00 - 18.00 starting on 17.04.2024. [Refer to Information=>Timetable in the menu]

Prerequisites and brush-up lectures:

In order to follow the course effectively, the students need a good working knowledge of the following topics:

  • Elements of algebra (Groups, Ring, Fields, Vector Spaces and modules, Polynomials, Matrices and linear maps)
  • Elements of number theory (Primes, fund. theorem of arithmetic, GCDs and LCMs, Modular arithmetic, Chinese Remainder Theorem)
  • Algorithms for algebra and number theory (Square-and-multiply, Extended Euclid algorithm for numbers and polynomials, Sorting and Searching, basic linear algebra algorithms, factoring polynomials over finite fields)
  • Basic knowledge of complexity theory (P vs NP, relativized complexity)
  • Working knowledge of probability and combinatorics (Probabilities over finite sets, Bonferroni inequalities, Counting via generating functions)

Supplementary Material:

See Supplementary material. You can find the recommended books in the Semesterapparat.


There will be two midterm exams for the lecture. Getting a passing mark of 4.0 for at least one of these two exams is necessary to qualify for the final exam.
In addition, the mark of the better midterm exam will count for 30% of the final mark, while the final exam will count for 70% of the mark.

There will also be a re-exam for the final exam, allowing for improvement of the corresponding 70% of the total mark.

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