Room UpdateGeschrieben am 19.07.23 von Divyanshu Bhardwaj Dear students, Due to a scheduling conflict, we have to change our meeting room. We will now have our seminar in room 0.02 (ground floor) at C0.
Room UpdateGeschrieben am 27.06.23 von Divyanshu Bhardwaj Dear students, The other two meetings on 12.07 and 19.07 are once again in room 3.21 at C0.
Dates for the next sessions.Geschrieben am 26.06.23 von Divyanshu Bhardwaj Dear students, Based on the doodle, we have the following dates for the next sessions of our seminar. Please make sure to attend them in person. 28.06 -> 10:00 - 12:00 12.07 -> 10:00 - 12:00 19.07 -> 14:00 - 16:00 Cheers |
Doodle for next timeslots for the seminarGeschrieben am 06.06.23 (letzte Ă„nderung am 06.06.23) von Divyanshu Bhardwaj Dear students, We plan to have 3 more sessions in our seminar, in the weeks of June 26-30, July 10-14, and July 17-21. I have created a doodle to pick the the time slot which works for most people in these three weeks. The doodle can be found here: … Weiterlesen Dear students, We plan to have 3 more sessions in our seminar, in the weeks of June 26-30, July 10-14, and July 17-21. I have created a doodle to pick the the time slot which works for most people in these three weeks. The doodle can be found here: Please select all timeslots that work for you in each of the 3 weeks. Once the timeslots have been finalised, I will send out a newspost on CMS. Cheers! |
Ethics in Security Research
In this seminar, we discuss ethical considerations on cybersecurity research. We will mainly focus on empirical and offensive security research. You will learn how to identify "good" and "bad" ethical practices and how to modify research setups in order to comply with high methodological standards and ethics guidelines.
The kick-off meeting for this seminar will be on 17 May at 10.00 am (in-person, room 3.21 at CISPA, Stuhlsatzenhaus 5) .
1) Kick-off (17 May at 10:00 am) : "Keynote" on Ethics in Security Research + Discussion; Seminar instructions for students.
2) Paper reading phase (tbd): Pick two papers from the reading list; read the two papers and fill out the ERB (ethics review board) form.
3) Discussion on papers and ERB forms (tbd)
4) Presentations on ethical challenges detected in the papers from the reading list (tbd)