Final Grades Are ReleasedWritten on 30.08.22 by Niklas Medinger Dear all, Dear all, |
Final Project Released!Written on 14.07.22 by Niklas Medinger Dear all, |
No lecture on July 13th; Last lecture on July 20thWritten on 12.07.22 by Cas Cremers Dear all, There will be no lecture tomorrow (July 13th). Hope to see you then! Cas |
Next lectures will be online-onlyWritten on 28.06.22 (last change on 28.06.22) by Cas Cremers Dear all, The next lectures, starting from tomorrow Wednesday June 29th, will be online-only. Best, Cas |
Updated submission date for Exercise 3Written on 27.06.22 by Aurora Naska Hi all, |
Zoom Location for Today's LectureWritten on 15.06.22 by Niklas Medinger Hi all, |
Registration for Mid-TermWritten on 02.06.22 by Niklas Medinger Hi all, |
Mid-Term ExamWritten on 01.06.22 by Niklas Medinger Hi all, Hi all, |
First Hybrid Lecture this Wednesday!Written on 30.05.22 (last change on 30.05.22) by Alexander Dax Hi all, This Wednesday, the 1st of June, we will have our first hybrid lecture! Looking forward to seeing all of you in person! Note that for the foreseeable future, wearing masks will… Read more Hi all, This Wednesday, the 1st of June, we will have our first hybrid lecture! Looking forward to seeing all of you in person! Note that for the foreseeable future, wearing masks will be mandatory in the CISPA building. |
Hybrid ClassroomWritten on 25.05.22 by Niklas Medinger Hi all, Hi all, |
Updated Exercise Sheet 1Written on 06.05.22 by Alexander Dax Hi all, we revised Exercise Sheet 1. Please check the latest version. |
CMS Updates and Team GroupingsWritten on 27.04.22 by Alexander Dax Hi all, as announced this morning in the lecture, we did update the CMS and will also clarify the team groupings here:
CMSThe CMS got some updates today so please check the main page again. Hi all, as announced this morning in the lecture, we did update the CMS and will also clarify the team groupings here:
CMSThe CMS got some updates today so please check the main page again.
Poll: Hybrid ClassroomWritten on 20.04.22 by Alexander Dax Hi all, Hi all, |
Kickoff Lecture on Wednesday, 20.04. at 10:15 amWritten on 12.04.22 by Alexander Dax Welcome to the first iteration of the Formal analysis of real-world security protocols lecture! Our first lecture will be on Wednesday, April 20, starting at 10 c.t. over Zoom. For the details of how to access the Zoom call, we will update the main page accordingly by next week. |
Formal analysis of real-world security protocols 
In this advanced lecture we will study how to analyse and verify real-world security protocols.
This course is separated into two main parts: a theoretical, and a practical.
In the theoretical part, we will learn the foundations of current state-of-the-art protocol verification.
In the practical part, we will teach you how to translate a specification of a protocol into a model,
and how to verify it with the Tamarin Prover.
Finally, you will use the knowledge you have gained to work on a project of your own.
At the very least, having taken CySec1/CySec2 or Security will significantly ease taking this course.
Course Goals
In this course, you will learn about the symbolic model of cryptography, and how to model
protocols within it. You will learn, how to read specifications of protocols, and how to translate
them into formal models. Finally, you will use the Tamarin Prover---a state-of-the-art verification
tool---to model and verify security properties of small/medium size protocols.
We will hold one lecture per week for a total of twelve lectures. The recordings of the lecture will be released
later in the week. In addition, we will offer office hours, every Friday from 09:00-12:00, where you can ask questions.
We will have a mid-term exam that covers the theoretical part of the lecture. You can take an oral re-exam at the end of the course.
Instead of an end-term exam, you will work on a graded practical project where you verify protocols with the Tamarin Prover.
Course Language: English
Registration: closes at the 02.05.! (Once you are registered here, don't forget to register in the LSF as soon as it opens.)
You have to be registered in the LSF by the 17.08.2022 to take the final project and pass the course.
When: Wednesday, 10:00 AM
Where: (all links also appear in the calendar events)
Official mid-term exam date : 08.06.2022, 10:00-11:30 (E9.1. Lecture Hall)
Official project start : 13.07.2022 (tentative)
Official project deadline : 24.08.2022 (tentative)
The assignments and the project are made to be solved in teams of 2.
This course can only accommodate up to 30 students. Students will be admitted on a first-come first-served basis.
Assignments and Projects
Bi-Weekly Exercise Sheets (4 in total)
6 week project (in parallel to office hour sessions)
Passing Criteria and Grading
To pass:
- midterm: pass
- 50% in exercise sheets
- pass project and oral exam of project
- midterm: 25%
- project & oral exam: 75%
- oral exam - present your work and answer questions.
Students can get a better grade if they present the project well.
Grade can go down, if they :
- let their partner do the majority of the work
- are not able to answer several (minimal) questions about the project.
Students can also fail the project, if we are convinced that they did not contribute in anyway in the project.