
Presentation Schedule

Written on 07.01.25 (last change on 07.01.25) by Sebastian Stich

Dear students,

I have added the presentation schedule, taking into account the constraints that I have been made aware of.

Please block 1pm - 6pm on January 22 & 23 (Wednesday and Thursday), although we (hopefully) do not need all the time on these days.

I added to our google sheet some… Read more

Dear students,

I have added the presentation schedule, taking into account the constraints that I have been made aware of.

Please block 1pm - 6pm on January 22 & 23 (Wednesday and Thursday), although we (hopefully) do not need all the time on these days.

I added to our google sheet some available timeslots for you to book and discuss the presentation with me (not mandatory, please sing up in pairs).

Final presentations: Jan 22 + Jan 23

Written on 23.12.24 by Sebastian Stich

Dear students,

As discussed in today's meeting, the best times for the presentations are January 22 and 23 (afternoons). A detailed schedule will follow.

This means that you should try to schedule a discussion with me between Jan 6 and Jan 17 (if you want to discuss your presentation with… Read more

Dear students,

As discussed in today's meeting, the best times for the presentations are January 22 and 23 (afternoons). A detailed schedule will follow.

This means that you should try to schedule a discussion with me between Jan 6 and Jan 17 (if you want to discuss your presentation with me).

Happy holidays!



Scheduling the final presentations

Written on 22.12.24 (last change on 22.12.24) by Sebastian Stich

Dear students,

Tomorrow (Dec 23, 1.15pm), we will have another (short) meeting to discuss the expectations for the final presentation and report. If you miss the meeting, you should check the slides or the recording afterward.

There is one important task left: we need to finalize a date for the… Read more

Dear students,

Tomorrow (Dec 23, 1.15pm), we will have another (short) meeting to discuss the expectations for the final presentation and report. If you miss the meeting, you should check the slides or the recording afterward.

There is one important task left: we need to finalize a date for the final presentation. I am proposing timeslots on Jan 22-23 and/or Feb 5-6. However, based on the earlier survey, there is always a conflict with at least one of you.

If your availability has changed, please update it in the Google Doc. Additionally, if you are only partially conflicted with a slot (e.g., you would miss only one presentation), please provide more fine-grained details. This will help us find a schedule where everyone can attend approximately 8 out of 10 talks.

We will finalize the slots tomorrow. If you cannot attend the meeting, please add your suggestions or comments to the Google Doc beforehand.

Thank you!

Meeting Nov 25, 6pm

Written on 18.11.24 by Sebastian Stich

Dear Students,

Please note that I had to reschedule our discussion on November 25 to 6 PM (6:15-7:00 PM on Zoom). For those unable to attend, rest assured that the session will be recorded for later viewing (thanks for letting me know that the link was broken!).

Dear Students,

Please note that I had to reschedule our discussion on November 25 to 6 PM (6:15-7:00 PM on Zoom). For those unable to attend, rest assured that the session will be recorded for later viewing (thanks for letting me know that the link was broken!).

  • If you cannot attend and have general questions, please feel free to email them to me in advance so I can address them during the session.
  • I encourage you to consult additional sources for questions specific to your paper or topic. This preparation will be crucial for delivering a strong presentation on your topic.
  • Additionally, please remember to register on LSF if you haven't done so already.

Latex Template

Written on 11.11.24 by Sebastian Stich

Dear Students

I have added the slides from today and a latex template for the review to the [Course Materials Tab].


Next meeting: Monday, Nov 11

Written on 04.11.24 by Sebastian Stich

Dear Students,

I have distributed the topics, allowing for choices 3 or 4 where possible. Based on your votes, Monday from 13:15 to 14:00 seems to be a convenient time for most of you to have short zoom meetings during the semester.

Our first meeting will be on November 11, during which I will… Read more

Dear Students,

I have distributed the topics, allowing for choices 3 or 4 where possible. Based on your votes, Monday from 13:15 to 14:00 seems to be a convenient time for most of you to have short zoom meetings during the semester.

Our first meeting will be on November 11, during which I will explain the first writing task. I will also post a video recording, but please attend the session if you have questions (in the following meetings, I will also give some general feedback on the writing tasks from the week before).

Task Meeting Hand-in (in CMS)
Review 1 11 Nov 21 Nov
Review 2 25 Nov 5 Dec
Review 3 9 Dec 19 Dec
Presentation/Final Report 23 Dec TBA


Vote for Topics

Written on 29.10.24 (last change on 29.10.24) by Sebastian Stich

Dear Students,

As announced in the kick-off meeting, please vote for your favorite topic by Nov 1 and also indicate your conflicts for meeting/presentation slots.

Topic List: (for registered participants)

The next meeting is planned for Nov 11 or 12 (depending on the survey outcome).

Kick-off meeting

Written on 23.10.24 (last change on 23.10.24) by Sebastian Stich

There will be a kick-off meeting next Tuesday, 4.15-5pm on zoom. The link is available to registered participants.


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