Scheduling the final presentations
Written on 22.12.2024 15:31 by Sebastian Stich
Dear students,
Tomorrow (Dec 23, 1.15pm), we will have another (short) meeting to discuss the expectations for the final presentation and report. If you miss the meeting, you should check the slides or the recording afterward.
There is one important task left: we need to finalize a date for the final presentation. I am proposing timeslots on Jan 22-23 and/or Feb 5-6. However, based on the earlier survey, there is always a conflict with at least one of you.
If your availability has changed, please update it in the Google Doc. Additionally, if you are only partially conflicted with a slot (e.g., you would miss only one presentation), please provide more fine-grained details. This will help us find a schedule where everyone can attend approximately 8 out of 10 talks.
We will finalize the slots tomorrow. If you cannot attend the meeting, please add your suggestions or comments to the Google Doc beforehand.
Thank you!