Lecture schedule

Lectures take place every day 10:00–12:00 (c.t.) in E9.1 room 0.05 (lecture hall), if not other noted in the schedule below.
Date Topic
11.09. Kick-off
Motivation and Basic Concepts of Trusted Computing
12.09. Integrity Measurement
13.09. Secure Storage and Enhanced Authorization Policies
14.09. Enhanced Authorization Policies Examples

(Lecture in E9.1 show room 0.01, opposite of lecture hall)

Remote Attestation
18.09. Direct Anonymous Attestation (Lecture by Dr. Lucjan Hanzlik)
19.09. Introduction to Secure Execution Environments
ARM TrustZone
20.09. Intel SGX / Attacks on Intel SGX
(Lecture in E9.1 show room 0.01, opposite of lecture hall)
Trusted Computing in Mobile/Embedded/Virtualized Settings (Paper Discussions)
22.09. Exam Q&A
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