Title |
Type |
Location |
Serial |
Start |
End |
All Day |
Introduction Lecture |
Introduction |
Zoom: https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/91272899429?pwd=c1NRanNtbC90RmYwRW9lWEh3b3p0dz09 |
28.10.20 |
28.10.20 |
No |
PROTO4: Privacy |
Proto verification |
https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/99708000942?pwd=Z3YxNHg5RXpMd3VLRFpSMW9YSDJuUT09 |
03.02.21 |
N/A |
Yes |
PROTO1: modelling |
Proto verification |
https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/93479792168?pwd=WkIyeG9BUDFnWlBxZ1hUNG1QUjZvZz09 |
13.01.21 |
N/A |
Yes |
Proto verification |
https://rocketchat.cs.uni-saarland.de/channel/proto |
22.01.21 |
22.01.21 |
No |
Q/A A marriage of verification and testing |
System verification |
https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/94653471916?pwd=bzFtaUdaL1NTY3VUYUhEZ2gyNU9oZz09 |
06.01.21 |
06.01.21 |
No |