
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Automation and Frameworks Lecture 19.01.21 19.01.21 No 
Cache Attacks I Lecture 24.11.20 24.11.20 No 
Cache Attacks II Lecture 01.12.20 01.12.20 No 
Introduction Lecture 03.11.20 03.11.20 No 
Introduction to Microarchitecture Lecture 17.11.20 17.11.20 No 
Mitigations Lecture 12.01.21 12.01.21 No 
Other Side Channels and Fault Attacks Lecture 26.01.21 26.01.21 No 
Page Table Attacks Lecture 08.12.20 08.12.20 No 
Practical 1 Deadline Practical 20.12.20 N/A Yes 
Practical 2 Deadline Practical 10.01.21 N/A Yes 
Practical 3 Deadline Practical 31.01.21 N/A Yes 
Timing Side Channels Lecture 10.11.20 10.11.20 No 
Transient Execution Attacks I Lecture 15.12.20 15.12.20 No 
Transient Execution Attacks II Lecture 05.01.21 05.01.21 No 
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