Backup exam grading finishedWritten on 22.10.20 by Ben Stock I have uploaded the results of the exam grading. If you want to have a look at the exam, please email me to schedule an appointment via Zoom. |
Reminder: exam participationWritten on 18.10.20 by Ben Stock For the exam tomorrow, please arrive by 8:45 so we do ID checks before the exam start.
If your answer is "yes" to one or more of the following questions, then you are not allowed to attend the exam. If you provide a doctor's certificate to the examination office later on, the examination… Read more For the exam tomorrow, please arrive by 8:45 so we do ID checks before the exam start.
If your answer is "yes" to one or more of the following questions, then you are not allowed to attend the exam. If you provide a doctor's certificate to the examination office later on, the examination attempt will be canceled and will not count. Did you have definite contact with a Covid-19 patient, who was tested positive, in the last 14 days? If you are unsure about any of these questions, please consult a doctor to decide whether or not your health status is critical. If the decision is that you can participate, you must bring a medical certificate attesting to that along to the exam. Note also that the university has decided to allow students to participate irrespective of whether they live in a risk area (currently everything except for Saarpfalz-Kreis). |
Backup exam regulations / informationWritten on 13.10.20 by Ben Stock [Long message ahead, please read it all carefully if you attend the backup exam] Dear all, the exam is just a couple of days away at this point. Since the registration deadline for taking the exam has passed, I have assigned seats to everyone now. These can be viewed in your "Personal Status"… Read more [Long message ahead, please read it all carefully if you attend the backup exam] Dear all, the exam is just a couple of days away at this point. Since the registration deadline for taking the exam has passed, I have assigned seats to everyone now. These can be viewed in your "Personal Status" page in the CMS. Note that to avoid congestion at the doors, we will use all four entrances to the lecture hall. - If you are seated in rows 1, 5, or 9 and in seats 1, 5, or 11, please use the *first* door on the right when entering the foyer. The formula becomes more obvious if you click on the assigned seat you can see in the CMS (first three rows take the front two entrances, last two the back entrances). Please also note the following message that I am asked to inform you about from the university: **Please note that it is absolutely necessary for you to bring your own protection mask with you. Students who have a doctor’s certificate that they cannot wear protection masks have to bring their own face shields andwear these instead of a mask.** We will open the doors at 8:45. Please be sure to be there on time, such that we can do the ID checks *before* the exam starts. Since it is mandatory for you to wear a mask when we check your ID, this just makes it less annoying to you *during* the exam. *For to the safety of all persons in the room it is also strongly recommended to wear protection masks during the entire exam.* While waiting to enter the room, please also ensure that you keep your distance from each other. This is particularly relevant these days as numbers are on the rise and I would to avoid our backup exam becoming a superspreading event. Also (and I will re-post this on Sunday): If your answer is "yes" to one or more of the following questions, then you are not allowed to attend the exam. If you provide a doctor's certificate to the examination office later on, the examination attempt will be canceled and will not count. Did you have definite contact with a Covid-19 patient, who was tested positive, in the last 14 days? If you are unsure about any of these questions, please consult a doctor to decide whether or not your health status is critical. If the decision is that you can participate, you must bring a medical certificate attesting to that along to the exam. Note also that the university has decided to allow students to participate irrespective of whether they live in a risk area (currently LK Neunkirchen and St. Wendel). --- Should you have any questions, please raise them early. While I will re-post the questionaire on Sunday, please do not expect me to react to emails over the weekend. Since the exam starts at 9am on Monday, there will be little time that morning to answer your questions. |
Registration for backup examWritten on 21.09.20 by Ben Stock In preparation for the exam, I checked the LSF for registered students. Turns out that the exam is registered for the second date of the summer term (should be second date for winter 2019/2020). Please make sure you register there (if visible to you, it's exam number 10638). For all those that… Read more In preparation for the exam, I checked the LSF for registered students. Turns out that the exam is registered for the second date of the summer term (should be second date for winter 2019/2020). Please make sure you register there (if visible to you, it's exam number 10638). For all those that forgot the exam date, it is October 19, 2020, 9-11am. |
New date for backup examWritten on 27.04.20 by Ben Stock As Jan Reineke just explained in the kickoff event, all backup exams for the winter term are postponed to the end of the semester break. I have set the date for the backup exam for October 19, 2020, 9-11am. In exceptional cases (e.g., if you need to get the points to remain on Bafög etc.), please… Read more As Jan Reineke just explained in the kickoff event, all backup exams for the winter term are postponed to the end of the semester break. I have set the date for the backup exam for October 19, 2020, 9-11am. In exceptional cases (e.g., if you need to get the points to remain on Bafög etc.), please contact me and we can try to find a solution.
I hope you are all healthy and will stay healthy going forward. |
Exam postponedWritten on 17.03.20 by Ben Stock Hi all, as you have likely already heard, the university has taken the necessary step of postponing as scheduled exams until at least April 24. Given that this is an extreme situation, I am confident that rules for improving (only possible within the same "testing period") will be extended… Read more Hi all, as you have likely already heard, the university has taken the necessary step of postponing as scheduled exams until at least April 24. Given that this is an extreme situation, I am confident that rules for improving (only possible within the same "testing period") will be extended accordingly. Therefore, the exam is cancelled for now. Should there be a specific reason why you definitely need to be examined before approx. beginning of May, please let me know so we can check options. Apart from that, let me us this channel to urge all of you to follow the guidelines given out by the government. We will get through this, but it is important that every single one follows the best practices (i.e., social distancing) as best as they can. Once I have more information about the exam date, I will let you know. Should those dates not work for some people, we will try to find alternatives to a written exam on that day for individual cases. Until then, stay safe and healthy! |
Exam inspectionWritten on 13.02.20 by Ben Stock The exam inspection is scheduled for February 19, 14:00 to 16:00 in CISPA's 0.07. Please note that we will not let students in after 15:30, so as to ensure we are done by 16:00. |
Exam resultsWritten on 10.02.20 by Ben Stock Due to an incredible effort by the tutors, the exams are already graded and the exam results are now visible in the CMS. So, if you see any one them on campus, thank them for their great work. We will announce the date for the exam inspection in the next couple of days (likely, it will happen at… Read more Due to an incredible effort by the tutors, the exams are already graded and the exam results are now visible in the CMS. So, if you see any one them on campus, thank them for their great work. We will announce the date for the exam inspection in the next couple of days (likely, it will happen at some point next week). |
Slight delay of the examWritten on 10.02.20 by Ben Stock I just got a call from the professor writing the exam before us in GHH. Since they had to delay their start, we'll have to do the same. The exam will start at 10:30am, please arrive by 10:15am. |
ExamWritten on 09.02.20 by Ben Stock Hi all, I have spoken with the university regarding the exam and the storm tomorrow. We have decided *not* to postpone the exam, as this would require finding a new slot where everyone can attend. Should the situation tomorrow be so bad that public transportation is entirely out, we may… Read more Hi all, I have spoken with the university regarding the exam and the storm tomorrow. We have decided *not* to postpone the exam, as this would require finding a new slot where everyone can attend. Should the situation tomorrow be so bad that public transportation is entirely out, we may reconsider. I nevertheless urge all of you to carefully monitor how public transport may be affected and potentially find other means of getting to the university. If need be, use the Askbot to find carpools or such. |
Exam tutorial recordingsWritten on 04.02.20 by Ben Stock ... are online. The second video is pretty large, as otherwise you will not be able to see anything on the filmed whiteboard. |
Excluded topicsWritten on 04.02.20 by Ben Stock Sorry for the delay, here we go. The following list of topics will not be part of the exam: - Complementary legal aspects (206, 317) Sorry for the delay, here we go. The following list of topics will not be part of the exam: - Complementary legal aspects (206, 317) |
Reminder: Q&A lectureWritten on 28.01.20 by Ben Stock Please use to state your questions and upvote those of others. To allow for a proper preparation, the cutoff date for topics is January 31 (=this Friday) at noon. |
Exam TutorialWritten on 20.01.20 by Nicolas Tran Hi all, we'd like to offer an additional preparatory tutorial for the exam on the 3rd of February at 14 o' clock in the CISPA Lecture Hall, after the regular lecture has finished. The tutors woud like to present some tasks, followed by another exercise sheet, you'll get for additional studies. |
No lecture todayWritten on 13.01.20 by Ben Stock Sorry for the late notice, but I have to skip today's lecture to the reasons I mentioned before in the lecture. Both the slides and the video from last year are available online now. Please use the Askbot in case things are unclear after having watched the lecture video. |
Hands-on in upcoming TutorialWritten on 30.11.19 by Dominik Kempter Dear students, For the next tutorial iteration, the tutors would like to present some practical task. Thus, if possible, please bring your laptop and have a look at Kali Linux , which comes preinstalled with all requirements for this experiment and can be booted from a USB drive. (Hint: SecureBoot… Read more Dear students, For the next tutorial iteration, the tutors would like to present some practical task. Thus, if possible, please bring your laptop and have a look at Kali Linux , which comes preinstalled with all requirements for this experiment and can be booted from a USB drive. (Hint: SecureBoot has to be set to disabled in the BIOS/UEFI settings to make the bootable USB drive work) Have a good weekend! |
Save your pointsWritten on 05.11.19 by Nicolas Tran Dear students, - we have several cases, where students did not include their name and/or matriculation number on the submission, please make sure this information is always present Dear students, - we have several cases, where students did not include their name and/or matriculation number on the submission, please make sure this information is always present learning to read carefully is not only going to save your points on the exercises sheets, but also in the final exam Concerning the current sheet: for the python task, if you do not receive a server response, but don't know why: try to also encode parameter names and other stuff inside the query. Cheers, |
Office Hour: November 7thWritten on 04.11.19 by Dominik Kempter Dear students, we will offer an Office Hour on November 7th in 0.07, CISPA from 3pm to 5pm. Feel free to come by and ask your questions regarding the third exercise sheet. The tutors are happy to help you out with the Python Part as well as the theoretical Part. See you on Thursday |
A note about plagiarismWritten on 04.11.19 by Ben Stock Given the feedback from our tutors, I would like to re-iterate my point about plagiarism: if we catch you once, you'll be warned. If we catch you again, you will not be able to take the exam this semester. Note that taking the exercise solutions from last year is not a great idea. First, some… Read more Given the feedback from our tutors, I would like to re-iterate my point about plagiarism: if we catch you once, you'll be warned. If we catch you again, you will not be able to take the exam this semester. Note that taking the exercise solutions from last year is not a great idea. First, some exercises have been changed (and we found that people blindly copied in the old solutions). Second, this is definitely a case for plagiarism. The same applies to copying text from the Web, other students, or books. Note that it also does not help you if you provide the source of the information. All exercises must be done by yourselves. Finally, we don't have the exercise sheets to keep you or our tutors busy. These are meant as a way for you to familiarize yourselves further with the topics. Naturally, you can try and cheat on them, but it's somewhat pointless: in the end, if you haven't done the exercises, you'll likely have issues in the exam. Hence, please make sure that you just do the work yourself! |
Python tutorial registration extendedWritten on 28.10.19 by Ben Stock Hi, as we received several mails, intending to register yourself for the python tutorial, we extended the registration phase for the python tutorials in the CMS. Please make sure you're registered, if you want to participate. |
Tutorial assignment and Python introductionWritten on 27.10.19 by Ben Stock All the tutorials are now assigned, you can find yours on your personal status page. Please remember, that the Monday tutorial only starts on November, 4th. Also, due to the public holiday this week Friday, that tutorial will not happen. Please go to any of the others this week. Further, thus far… Read more All the tutorials are now assigned, you can find yours on your personal status page. Please remember, that the Monday tutorial only starts on November, 4th. Also, due to the public holiday this week Friday, that tutorial will not happen. Please go to any of the others this week. Further, thus far only about 40 students have registered for the Python introduction. Note that there will be numerous exercises based on Python during the semester and unless you have already worked with Python, we highly suggest you take the introduction. |
Tutorial choiceWritten on 23.10.19 by Ben Stock There are currently around 30 students who have not given a preference for the tutorial slot. Please note that if you fail to provide preferences, we will assign you to a random tutorial. Please check the CMS and ensure that you provide your preferences as soon as possible (cut-off is Friday, 23:59). |
Python tutorialWritten on 23.10.19 (last change on 23.10.19) by Ben Stock Dear students, As announced in the lecture, Dominik and Nico are going to offer tutorials, covering the basics to get you started with python programming. The tutorials are going to include some tasks for you to solve by programming, so if possible, please bring a laptop and make sure Python (3.7)… Read more Dear students, As announced in the lecture, Dominik and Nico are going to offer tutorials, covering the basics to get you started with python programming. The tutorials are going to include some tasks for you to solve by programming, so if possible, please bring a laptop and make sure Python (3.7) is installed. If you want, you also already can install and have a look at Pycharm, a full Python IDE, we can recommend and is free for students ( You can choose the time slot that fits you best:
You can find the lecture by turning left when entering the CISPA building (pass by the reception desk). Please use the registration feature in the CMS to sign up for one of the slots. You can find the registrations for the tutorials on your personal page. Given that the lecture hall cannot hold all students, we have limited the capacity per slot to 70 students. Thank you and we hope to see all of you in the tutorial! |
Exercise sheet online and CMS bugsWritten on 21.10.19 by Ben Stock The exercise is available for download via the CMS. Also, all error messages in the CMS should have disappeared (these were caused by the import of the previous year, which contained all available sheets and importantly, the exam registrations). |
Foundations of Cybersecurity 1
Students learn foundational security principles, basics of cryptography, network and network security, as well as privacy-preserving mechanisms. They learn to define security goals and are familiarized with the most common attack scenarios.
The lecture happens every Monday 12-14 in GHH. Note that the lecture only starts on 21.10.2019.